17 August 2020
Anything in life in moderation can be good for you. That's especially true of cannabis used for medicinal purposes. Some users love the feel-good high that accompanies the medicinal benefits. Others, though, want no or low psychoactive effects from cannabis. No matter what cannabis product you use—flower, capsules, drops—you can control your dosage by asking your cannabis dispensary to prepare microdoses. Microdosing Cannabis alleviates many of the unpleasant symptoms of illness.
25 June 2020
Cannabigerol, as its name suggests, is a chemical compound that can be derived from cannabis and hemp. It can be used to treat serious health conditions, such as anorexia and glaucoma. It may even be more effective than CBD, another cannabinoid commonly used for its curative properties. Here are four ways you can purchase CBG for use as a health supplement: 1. Visit a dispensary. You don't need a prescription to purchase or use CBG.
21 April 2020
If you suffer from periodic or situational anxiety, you may be reluctant to pursue prescription medication as a treatment when your condition isn't a chronic one. In some cases, opting for a more natural approach may offer some relief. Learn more about some natural herbal supplements that may be able to help you combat feelings of anxiety. Can Natural Supplements Help You Manage Anxiety? There are several natural supplements that have shown some promise when it comes to treating or managing anxiety.
25 February 2020
Frankincense and myrrh oils are two of the best-known essential oils on the planet, and for good reason! Both of these oils have a host of therapeutic benefits, and they also smell lovely, both alone and when combined. Here's a closer look at each of these oils and how to use them best. Frankincense Oil Frankincense oil hails from the Middle East. It comes from a tree, which is not surprisingly called the frankincense tree.
4 December 2019
CBD oil is becoming more popular as a way to relieve pain, stress, and anxiety as well as a way to help some people with medical conditions like Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. If you have decided to give it a try, you will need to try a few different dosage strengths and decide which method to use for taking it. It is often best to start off with a lower dosage and work your way up until you find the strength that helps you the most.
27 September 2019
If you are trying to take care of your health in a way is more lifestyle-oriented than just filling in gaps, it's important to build some positive habits. Something as simple as optimizing your breathing can work wonders for your mood, thinking, and overall life. Exercise works your muscle groups and makes it easier to deal with stress. To learn some nature-approved health tips that will improve your life, consider the following.
28 July 2019
CBD has been in the news a lot lately. This non-hallucinogenic marijuana extract has multiple uses, and every one of them seems to treat or cure a physical ailment. CBD itself is now found in most stores, and in most forms for medical use. The following are three ailments for which CBD salve can be used to treat and eradicate an ailment. Migraines If you rub CBD salve on your forehead and the back of your neck, it is absorbed into the skin and nervous system.